

gemini is a range of modular tilt-top meeting tables, designed to link together to form changeable combinations according to the needs of the meeting. 


The four gemini modules - annular, rectangular, semicircular and trapezoidal - can be interchanged to form circular, oval, straight, square or U-shaped tables of any size.

Gemini Annular

Gemini Semicircular

Gemini Retangular

Gemini Trapezoidal

veneer options

Click on wood icon to see a larger image of the veneer.

MFC options

Click on icon to see a larger image of the MFC.

crossbanding veneer otions

Click on wood icon to see a larger image of the veneer.

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Eborcraft Limited
Chessingham Park
Dunnington, York YO19 5SE

T 01904 481020

F 01904 481022
